The Mile High Radio Club
The Mile High Radio Club (MHRC) headquartered in Idyllwild, CA. Nestled in the San Jacinto Mountain Range of Riverside County is an active organization that welcomes new members. MHRC serves the mountain communities of Idyllwild, Fern Valley, Pine Cove, Mountain Center, Garner Valley and Poppet Flats by providing an opportunity for licensed amateur radio operators to meet and exchange knowledge and experience.

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services
For Radio Amateurs interested in emergency communications, we have the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) - Mountain District which is supported by the MHRC. RACES – Mountain District is the official volunteer communications arm of Riverside County Office of Emergency Service (OES) and operates under the auspices of FEMA for disaster communications.

Tribute to Bill Baker KN6JV
A tribute to Bill Baker, long time member, instructor and friend.
He is greatly missed and always appreciated for his tireless devotion to amateur radio and volunteer emergency services.
Read more for the Town Crier article written about Bill.
Thank you Bill

Public Radio Announcements
Tune in to WNKI from your auto or home radio to get the latest on events happening.
News & Information
- MHRC MeetingsDuring the August 2023 meeting it was voted to change the monthly meeting to the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Meetings are currently being held online using ZOOM. Contact MHRC to be added to the meeting email invitation list. We anticipate that in-person meetings will resume during 2024.
- Meetings - MHRC & RACESMONTHLY SCHEDULED MEETING Meeting time: Monthly, Second Thursday, 1830 hours. Location: Idyllwild Fire Station Training Room. Please note that both the MHRC and RACES Mountain District meetings will be held together for a combined single meeting. Location: The Idyllwild Fire Station – training room. Stay tuned for any further updates on meeting dates or locations.