This event proves to be exciting every year. Not only do we get to improve our radio skills, but we are entertained with great athletes and competitors riding their mountain bikes over a grueling route. Saturday’s course covers roughly 30 miles of trails and dirt roads between Hurkey Creek Campground and South Ridge Trail. We will be providing race course communications for this exciting event. The field operators, from various locations in the field report back to base station, the rider numbers as they pass through the check points. Sunday’s event is new this year for Idyllwild Cycling as they are hosting the Super “D” course. Few details are available regarding the length of course. However it is reported to center more closely to the Hurkey Campground itself. Many radio operators will be needed for both days. We look forward to having you out dusting off your radio skills and helping a good cause.
Field Day 2009 – June 27th and 28th
The Mile High Radio Club (MHRC)
Ham Radio operators will be showing off their emergency capabilities. Over the past year, the news has been full of reports of ham radio operators providing critical communications in emergencies world-wide. When trouble is brewing, ham radio people are often the first to provide critical information and communications.
This annual event, called "Field Day" is the climax of the week long "Amateur Radio Week" sponsored by the ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio. Using only emergency power supplies, the MHRC ham operators will construct an emergency station along Highway 243 just below the intersection of Ridgeview and Highway 243. GPS coordinates – latitude 33°44'39.35"N – longitude 116°42'58.31"W or click on the logo above and type in zip code 92549 and you will directed to our location.
We hope that people will come and see for themselves, this is not your grandfather's radio anymore," said Allen Pitts of the ARRL. "The communications networks that ham radio people can quickly create have saved many lives in the past months when other systems failed or were overloaded.” The public is most cordially invited to come, meet and talk with the hams. See what modern Amateur Radio can do. We will even help you get on the air!Fourth of July Parade – Idyllwild Rotary
Annually, the RACES Mountain District operators provide parade route communications and message transfer between the announcer stations. There are always last minute changes to a parade’s order. This is a great communication skills builder, as it teaches the radio operators the art of message handling in a noisy environment. Please sign up and support this great event.
Jazz in the Pines – Idyllwild Arts Foundation A centrally located communications tent is set up for two full days at this event. Both the MHRC and Mountain District RACES Operators staff the tent. This event utilizes many volunteers performing many tasks, all of which need to communicate with one another. The communications tent is equipped with several radios, a separate radio frequency for Stage Director, Security, Medical ( EMT ), Parking, Ticket Sales and Logistics. The MHRC and RACES operators take part by relaying messages between the various groups of volunteers. Throughout the two day event many messages are relayed between the various groups.
Some of them involve the safety and welfare of the patrons. With the Riverside County Sheriff and IFPD EMTs on stand by, help is always nearby.