On the first Monday (except holidays) of each month, RACES - Riverside County conducts a County wide roll call, which includes the Mountain District. This generally begins at about 1845 hours and ends at about 1915 hours. These times will vary.
The purpose of the first Monday Roll Call is to test communications within each district, districts to EOC and or AEOC and between the county EOC and AEOC.
The Mountain District uses the KD6OI repeater 146.895 (-) pl 118.8 for the Roll Call and reports to County on a 220MHz frequency. Other districts within the County use their own frequencies.
Roll Call within a district asks for each answering person's present location as the street and nearest cross street. After answering up, the person is put on standby until released by a stand-down Roll Call authorized by the EOC.
The stand-down order follows the reporting of all districts within the County to the County EOC.
Then throughout the rest of the year, the Mountain District conducts a weekly Roll Call every Wednesday evening, beginning at 1900 hours. This weekly Roll Call, allows our members the chance to call roll and gain valuable communication experience. Also, at the beginning and end of each Wednesdays Roll Call, important messages are exchanged and general questions about our activities are discussed.
We encourage visiting Ham Operators to check in during the Wednesday Roll Call.