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Contacts - Mile High Radio Club

Mailing Address
PO Box 1204
Idyllwild, CA 92549

Board of Directors:

President – Bill Tell KD6KTV

Vice President – Tom Pierce K8EBR

Treasurer / Membership – BJ Brix KJ6IPX

Secretary – Christy Huss KG6AVU

Director – Roland Gaebert KE6NPN

Director – Tom Unwin WA6SSS

Director – Annie Larson KJ6QWC

Director – Jim Mettler AF6XL

Director – Therese Brosnan KM6KLV

Emergency Coordinator, RACES / ARES – Paul Miglin KG6TIL

Appointed Positions

Historian: Vacant
Newsletter Editor: Vacant
Programs: Vacant
Hospitality: Kathy Hamilton KA6MOM
Webmaster: Don Raridon KE6KNR

If you are interested in learning more about our activities, give one of the members listed above a call or join in
on our weekly radio net, Wednesday evenings at 1900 hours. Please tune to Frequency 146.895 MHz, minus shift, PL 118.8

Our repeater is open to all Amateur Radio Operators. The station is located on PCWD property as a token of service to our mountain range.

Power provided to the repeater is via a solar panel and 12 volt battery supply, allowing un-interrupted service around the clock. All maintenance and operations are provided for by the MHRC.